Phishing/Spam incident – How to block a URL
As per KB0015768 where it relates to a phishing email containing links, please follow the steps below to:
- Extract original Phishing URL from email (KB0016484)
- Block extracted URL in Mimecast. (KB0016484)
1. Open the email in Mimecast Message Tracking
2. Select “Show Message Content” on the message tab
3.Right click the link in the message and select “Copy Address Link”
4.Paste link into notepad
5.In Mimecast Navigate to Administration >>Services>>URL Protection
6.Select Url Tools >>Managed URLs
7.Select Add Managed URLS
8. Enter the following information
Override Type= Blocked URLS
Match Type= Explicit
URL= URL to block (Enter Root domain ie as this will help block any variations
Comment= Enter Ticket Number
9. Select Save and Exit