Yealink - MTR critical alarm notifications process
Yealink - MTR critical alarm notifications process
Last Updated 24/11/2022 10:38:30
Contributors Craig Taylor
Yealink - MTR critical alarm notifications process
The Yealink AV solution in some Kennedys meeting rooms will send an alerting email to IT Helpdesk / IT Systems Analysis notifying of an alarm on a specific meeting room in a Kennedys office.
If you receive an email notification like the below from the Yealink cloud management service please follow the below troubleshooting steps to make sure the device or its peripheral has come back online again. Helpdesk to raise the call to the SA queue.
Systems Analysts to complete the below
- Email IT System Analyst Team to inform that this Alert is being dealt with.
- Login to Connectwise.
- Click Access and then Windows MTR.
- To find out the Yealink’s computer name (Yealink NUK PC Name) please refer to the below document.
P:\IT\IT Teams\IT Helpdesk\Knowledge Bank\Teams\Teams Rooms\Documents\Teams Room and Phone Device Information.xlsx
- Connect to the correct device in Connectwise once you know its computer name.
- Check if there are any meetings scheduled from this screen (depending on the time zone for that room, if online and meeting scheduled, contact the VCA/Office Manager via phone to advise them of an issue detected and to check the room and report back – this meeting may need to be moved whilst we complete the below process)
- Click More.
- Click Settings.
- Login with the meridian username and password.
- Click on Windows Settings.
- Login with the meridian username and password again.
- Open Yealink RoomConnect software.
- Click the back arrow (top left).
- Make sure that all the peripherals are now displaying and loaded. If they are not you will need to troubleshoot why they are not showing, for example, have they been disconnected? Devices that are disconnected will display as offline.
- Go back to login screen and log back in with .\Skype (no password) to return to the main control screen.
- Once re-connected and they are displaying again in the Yealink room connect go to step 11.
- Login to
- Click device management and then room system.
- Check that the status is online for the device/s and then go to alarm management and alarm list and set the alarm from Active to Resolved.
- Contact the VCA or Office Manager onsite to complete a test Teams meeting – if the alarm comes through out of their time zone, please schedule the meeting anyhow so it can be tested first thing upon their arrival.
- Send VCA or Office Manager a Teams meeting invite
- Invite the room
- Complete a Teams call test with the VCA/office manager
- Post a note on the VCA channel for that office VCA (using @name) to advise of an alarm detected and test call scheduled following the fix
Email IT Systems Analyst Team to advise the Alert Process have been completed.