Polycom Pexip Alerts, Portal and General Troubleshooting
The Polycom’s are now connected to a new cloud service called Pexip which provides some alerting and management capabilities.
If you receive an alert to say the Polycom has gone offline, but you do not then receive an alert to say the Polycom has come back online within 30 minutes of the offline alert from the Pexip service please troubleshoot the issue by following the below steps.
Note: if there is network maintenance going on for the office or known issues with internet connectivity please wait until this is resolved as the Pexip service should then send an online alert once everything is back online. If you still do not get an online alert when any connectivity issues have been resolved, please proceed to troubleshooting steps below.
Offline email alert example
Online email alert example
Troubleshooting steps
There could be several reasons why the Polycom cannot connect to the Pexip service. i.e. the NAC has blocked the device from the network, there is a power issue, the office internet connection has gone down or there may be a service outage of the Pexip service. This is not an exhaustive list of troubleshooting steps as there are many scenarios that could be covered.
Note: to check service issues with Pexip access this link https://status.pexip.com/
- If the Polycom is in a remote site, please reach out to the local VCA or facilities contact to help you troubleshoot the issue if you believe it be a localised issue with the Polycom. Please make sure the room is booked out and not in use when troubleshooting.
- Access the below document to find the IP address of the Polycom.
\\Ukdcmsfapp03v\IT\IT Teams\IT Helpdesk\Knowledge Bank\Skype for Business\SfB Global Spreadsheet.xlsx
- Try to ping the Polycom. If you cannot ping it, it may be that the Polycom is lost power or is disconnected because of the NAC. You can ask the VCA or Facilities assistant to confirm by looking at the settings of the Polycom and going into diagnostics it should show any warnings in there.
- A reboot can be tried, by unplugging the network cable from the Polycom and plugging it back in again.
Note: if it is the NAC usually it will say DHCP failed and then the Kennedys Infrastructure network Engineer will need to be informed to unblock this from the NAC.
- If you can ping the Polycom and then login to the web interface of the Polycom example address then it could be an issue with the internet. You can try and connect to a website from the local meridian account on.
- Once the Polycom is back online you should get an online email notification and the Pexip portal should display the Polycom is now back online. Idle status confirms there is connectivity again.